Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I wanted to post some of the last few months' worth of kid talk:

Luke (after Joseph tried on a suit): Now you're a bishop!

Lucy: The Jaime Ryan is big, big, big!!  But the Libbie Ryan is just little.

Luke (to Anna): What about you, Cuteness?  Are you on sale?  Should we buy you?

Luke: When we turn the light off, what happens?  The darkness makes shapes!   But when I'm in my room then my darkness will not.  But Daddy's darkness, it does.

Lucy: I'm gonna tell you a story.  Once upon a time there was a young man, and a bear came out of a tunnel!  And a dinosaur came out of the tunnel, too!

Luke (very sweetly to fussing Anna): Hey, remember how I said there's nothing scary in here?  So it's okay.  (Then he gave her a kiss!)

Luke: Mommy, I need help!
Me: What do you need help with?
Luke: Well, cause I'm small.  I'm a small kid.

Luke (after Daddy blew up at him and put him in time out):  Well, the truth is, I love you.  But I just don't like you to yell very hard at me like that, and put me in timeout.

Luke (to a sad Lucy in bed): You've got Anna and me.  There's Anna in her bed, and me over here.  So, you're not sad.

Luke (looking at a pic of Anna as a baby):  She's so cute, I could just hold her!

Lucy (into her fake phone): Hi Natalie.  Oh, no, I can't come with you cause I have kids and they fuss and fuss and fuss and fuss.  So I can't come.

Luke: Sick people go to Jesus, did you know that?  And we're sick so we should go to Jesus!  But we can't see him right now.
Me: You're right, so what can we do?
Luke: Maybe have some medicine?  That would help us.

Lucy: That's not a bug, that's a butterfly!
Luke: Well, butterflies are bugs, so I'm just sayin'.

Lucy: Do you know how Cinderella got her crown?  From a guy, that's a sweet guy, that gives crowns to princesses.

Luke:  I'm brushing my teef because I get activities.

Lucy: When girls always have babies in their tummies they should have a lot of toast.

 "It's a jellyfish!"


  1. Oh, your kids say the most adorable things!

  2. Can't find an adjective that describes how adorable your kids are!!!!
