Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It's taken me a while to get the Halloween pics up because I had my wisdom teeth out on Monday. These are all from the Friday before. We had a little party at Grandma & Grandpa's and we also joined Christie and Matt at their trunk or treat. Luke is still saying "Christie! trick or treat! hot dogs! buns!" and then Lucy will pipe up with "chips! Matt!"
On Saturday we got to go trick or treating in Joseph's old neighborhood and have a party there. I didn't get any pictures of that night.
This pic above is what Lucy does when I say to smile for the picture. But she'll only do it once, of course.

Grandpa made root beer!

I didn't get any good pics of Anna's banana costume.

Lucy had a great time painting her pumpkin! She was so focused for a long time!
I think Addison could've held Anna all night! She's famous for always trying to hold the twins and we are always trying to explain that they don't want to be held, so when I was pregnant I promised her that I would have a baby she could actually hold. I kept asking if she was done, but she'd say no. She loved it!

And Mckaela held her the rest of the time.


  1. Looks like you guys had a great Halloween! The twins looked so cute. And I didn't know you had your baby until I checked out your blog today! Congrats! She is so cute, and has so much hair!

  2. I have been hoping you would post these!! YAY! You always dress them up so cute!
