Daddy: What should we do with these twins, Mommy?
Luke: We should grow dem up in water! And den dey will turn into fish!
Luke (playing with Lucy and their cars): Everybody in the car! Cause you're making this difficult!
Luke: What if your baby doesn't come out? We might have to get someping to get him out.
Me: Like what?
Luke: Like maybe a flashlight. But you shouldn't do it right now, cause he's not healfy enough.
Lucy brought her cupcake into the living room and Luke told her, "I'm afraid you'll have to take that into the kitchen, my dear."
Lucy: I just hit Luke's head with the door, but I didn't mean to. I said sorry. And you weren't there, so I asked him, 'where did it hurt?' and he said, 'just here', and then so I kissed him better.
Luke: When I grow up, I will drive our big truck and you guys will be in our little car.
Me: Why do we have to be in the little car?
Luke: When I grow up and get big, then I won't fit in the little car!
I asked Lucy if we should build a house, and she got a little angry and no nonsense, "No, we should not build a house! We don't know how!
Luke: I'm a cheeto that's made of beef!
Luke: You shouldn't spank mommies cause they are the bosses. But actually, maybe they are not. What are mommies? Maybe just daddies are the bosses.
Talking about baby names:
Me: What about Glen?
Luke: I feel like that's not a name.
Luke (with a bright idea kind of look): I was finking we could play soccer when we have a new house! And we would play it wiff you! And Daddy and Anna and Lucy!
Me: Maybe we should've gone to the City Creek opening, cause we could've seen Pres Monson, Pres Uchtdorf and Pres Eyring!
Luke: Yeah, cause I like those kind of prophets. Hey, are they living prophets?
Luke: You know what a ghost is? It's a died people. Ya know? When you die you are a ghost. But your spirit is where? In heaven with Jesus!
Me: I'll get a saucer for you kids to have your veggies on. Here ya go!
Luke: Hey, you said sausage!
Luke & Lucy were playing under the table:
Luke: Okay, you be the sleeper and I'll be the bad dream. Get ready...
Lucy: Once upon a time there was an old car seat that didn't know what to do, cause there was some mean spiders and mean ants. But then some mean tigers came and mean lions and mean cheetahs and mean leopards came to eat the mean spiders and the mean ants. So then, it was all happy! The end!
Luke (to his pet hippo): If you seen any mean animals, eat 'em, okay?
Lucy: What if a house was built and it had feet and goed? Would that be crazy and funny and silly?
Luke: Okay, I put Snake in time out cause of his sins.
(later that day): The shark, he did a few sins, so he's very sorry about that.
Lucy: You better be sorry for that!
Luke: He is sorry.
I don't remember what they were watching. Looks like a nail biter.
I love when they line up and say, "Take a picture!"
Sitting around a fire.
Notice Lucy's Rapunzel hair.
A pioneer woman.
Anna wanted to wear mommy's jammies.
Anna got such a kick out of Hallie at our house. It's not like she hasn't been around Hallie before, but I guess having her in our house really made her feel responsible. She kept trying to pick her up, and she kept shoving her binky in her mouth.