Thursday, December 8, 2011

Luke & Lucy's Birthday!

I can't believe my twinsies are already three!  We had a fun day on their birthday and got to do all the stuff they wanted to do.

 We went downtown and first we took a trax ride to the Gateway

 We got to have McDonald's! What a treat!

 Then we went to the Church Museum where they have an awesome section for kids to play.  They love this red truck and the fake food and dishes below.

 She actually danced this time!

 Then we got to see Daddy for a little while!

 Then we colored while Daddy went to get the pizza.

 They had to wait all day to open their presents!

 They wanted a zebra cake this year.
See Luke's concentrated look while trying to blow out the candles.  I think in the end they had a little help from that right corner... Good thing or we could've been there all night!

 Princess dress and manly cape.

 Showing off the high heels!

 More coloring in their new books. We let them stay up for way too long!  But it was worth it to have a fun, special day for my twins!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I wanted to post some of the last few months' worth of kid talk:

Luke (after Joseph tried on a suit): Now you're a bishop!

Lucy: The Jaime Ryan is big, big, big!!  But the Libbie Ryan is just little.

Luke (to Anna): What about you, Cuteness?  Are you on sale?  Should we buy you?

Luke: When we turn the light off, what happens?  The darkness makes shapes!   But when I'm in my room then my darkness will not.  But Daddy's darkness, it does.

Lucy: I'm gonna tell you a story.  Once upon a time there was a young man, and a bear came out of a tunnel!  And a dinosaur came out of the tunnel, too!

Luke (very sweetly to fussing Anna): Hey, remember how I said there's nothing scary in here?  So it's okay.  (Then he gave her a kiss!)

Luke: Mommy, I need help!
Me: What do you need help with?
Luke: Well, cause I'm small.  I'm a small kid.

Luke (after Daddy blew up at him and put him in time out):  Well, the truth is, I love you.  But I just don't like you to yell very hard at me like that, and put me in timeout.

Luke (to a sad Lucy in bed): You've got Anna and me.  There's Anna in her bed, and me over here.  So, you're not sad.

Luke (looking at a pic of Anna as a baby):  She's so cute, I could just hold her!

Lucy (into her fake phone): Hi Natalie.  Oh, no, I can't come with you cause I have kids and they fuss and fuss and fuss and fuss.  So I can't come.

Luke: Sick people go to Jesus, did you know that?  And we're sick so we should go to Jesus!  But we can't see him right now.
Me: You're right, so what can we do?
Luke: Maybe have some medicine?  That would help us.

Lucy: That's not a bug, that's a butterfly!
Luke: Well, butterflies are bugs, so I'm just sayin'.

Lucy: Do you know how Cinderella got her crown?  From a guy, that's a sweet guy, that gives crowns to princesses.

Luke:  I'm brushing my teef because I get activities.

Lucy: When girls always have babies in their tummies they should have a lot of toast.

 "It's a jellyfish!"